Wednesday 6 June 2012

Pinterest Crazed!

Anyone that knows me, know that a have a slight obsession with being organized and following through on something once I start it. I make lists upon lists and am obsessed with checking the completed tasks off one by one until I have accomplished everything. So, can you see how Pinterest could be kind of a problem for someone like me yet?

You see, once I pin it, I have to make it....which would be easy if I casually pinned here and there. But no, there is nothing casual about the way I pin, so I have been on a cooking/baking mission for quite a while now, which kind of inspired this blog to begin with. The other day, I actually sat down and counted how many of my "Pins" I actually cooked or baked so far and even I was a little shocked! I was thinking maybe 25-30ish. I don't know, who actually counts these things? ME?! Drumroll please........................................................................I am at FIFTY-SIX completed food based pins. I don't know if I am proud or embarrassed, but either way, I am checking things off my list and probably making my friends and family gain weight in the process.

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