Tuesday 8 May 2012

Bird Feeder Flop

I was talking to my Mom on the phone the other day and she gave me the great idea to make a Bird Feeder with Superkid. The local library in Sydney set up this activity for little ones a while back and it was a big hit, so without a doubt, we went to Bulk Barn to pick up some birdseed and away we went.

The idea was to toast a piece of bread (or almost burn it actually) and then coat it in PB, followed by a covering of birdseed. Sounds easy right? And it was! However, no little birdies came to eat our treat, which sat hanging on our deck until a Raccoon took a good chunk out of it, and the rest blew into our neighbors yard....yikes!

So, the process was fun and Superkid loved watching for the birds to come, but it was a little of a let-down. Anybody have any other ideas to make this work for us? A friend of mine said she tried doing the same thing but with a pine-cone instead of the toast idea. What do you think?

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