Monday 28 May 2012

Toddler Times- what Superkid is up to now!

On a day-to-day basis, I find myself in awe of how much my little Superkid knows and learns. Construction Man and I have always thought she was the smartest most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world, but obviously, we are her parents and we are biased, of course.

At any given time, like most toddlers, she is surprising us, changing with every blink of an eye and it all happens so fast. From first steps, to big-girl beds and potty training, I am always wondering what will be our next big milestone, but she never makes me wait to long to show me something new she can accomplish.

Here are some of the things Superkid is up to now, at 27 months:

  • Mommy Mocking- Saying things like "Bless you Heart" when someone sneezes or calling her little friends "Sweetie".
  • Strong Decision Making- When asked which Blizzrd flavor she prefered a few weeks ago, Mom's Midnight Truffle or Dad's Strawberry Cheesequake, she didn't choose but replied "I like both".
  • Book Memory- We get a slew of books each week from the library, which we burn through in no time, and Superkid after one read, can usually recall and help finish sentences from the pages.
  • Puzzle Building- Over the past week, she managed to teach herself to put together her 10 ft, 28 piece Alphabet puzzle, on her own. This is a new favorite and she does it multiple times a day.
  • Personal info- If Superkid is ever lost, we can rest assured if asked, she could provide the following information: Her full name, address (including street number), hair and eye color, and parents first and last names.
  • Surroundings- We noticed she has a keen eye for her surroundings, always asking what so and so place is or what the name of this and that is. She can now easily rhyme off many landmarks around our area including the Library, Grocery store names, big-box stores like Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire, and resturants like Boston Pizza and Eastside Mario's, to name a few.
  • Music-We listen to a lot of music via the radio and YouTube in our house, and Superkid listens to our music as much as her own kid stuff. She loves to sing and has been asking for specific songs and singers in particular which is really cool.
As a mom, I could go on and on for days with the list, but I will cap my Mommy bragging right there for now.  I have to admit, I could not be any prouder and I'm sure you can tell. I can't wait to see what Superkid will show me next; only time will tell.

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